Category: kurma

Harga Kurma Malaysia

Harga Kurma Malaysia: Malaysia vs. the World

Dates are a staple food enjoyed globally, with consumption peaking during festive seasons, particularly Ramadan. Understanding how harga kurma Malaysia (date prices) compare to those in other countries during these periods provides valuable insights into global market dynamics and regional price variations. This article explores these price comparisons, examining the factors that contribute to the […]

Pembekal Kurma Shah Alam

Top Pembekal Kurma Shah Alam: A Quick Guide

For businesses and retailers seeking a reliable source of dates in Malaysia, finding reputable pembekal kurma Shah Alam is paramount. These date suppliers play a crucial role in distributing quality dates to various businesses, from small retailers to large-scale distributors. This article explores the leading date vendors in Shah Alam and the range of services […]

kurma supplier Malaysia

How to Find Kurma Murah Without Sacrificing Quality

In recent years, the popularity of kurma (dates) has surged, especially during Ramadan, making it essential for many to find kurma murah (affordable dates) without sacrificing quality. Here are some effective strategies to help you navigate this quest. Understanding Kurma Varieties Before diving into purchasing strategies, it’s crucial to understand the various types of kurma […]

Buah kurma

Dates: Malaysia’s Love Affair with Buah Kurma

Buah kurma, the Malay term for dates, holds a special place in Malaysian hearts. But are these delectable fruits primarily grown locally, or do they embark on a journey from afar? This blog post explores the fascinating story of dates in Malaysia, uncovering the rise of local date palm cultivation and the essential role imports […]

pemborong kurma

Kurma Supplier: Effective Marketing Strategies for Malaysian Dates

  Introduction Malaysian dates, commonly known as kurma, offer a delicious and nutritious treat enjoyed by many. For kurma supplier in Malaysia, it is essential to implement effective marketing strategies to increase sales and create a strong presence in the market. This blog post explores various tactics and approaches that can be employed to promote […]

Dates – The Fruit of the Month in Malaysia

The fruit and the date in Malaysia can make a great pair of foods. Although the dates are more commonly used in desserts. The fruit is used in most of the recipes for fresh, delicious dishes. You will enjoy these dishes from a sweet and sour to a tangy Thai dish and a dessert that […]

Dates Are The Right Choice For Your Business

For any business looking to purchase a gift item, the fruit suppliers are a major consideration. This is because the fruit can be used in different foods and drinks. In fact, it is common to have fruit in the form of a drink or food, which is why it is so important that fruit suppliers […]

Dates Fruit – An Easy Way to Make More Money

There are many reasons for which a company might consider making their own dates fruit wholesale, but most of the reasons are more economical in nature. In fact, if you have the know how and are willing to spend the time it takes to put things together and put them into action you could very […]

Date Fruit Exporters – How To Deal With Them

The volume of date exporters that are exporting dates globally is continuously growing, as there are so many different sectors which can profit from this great commodity. This means that the exporter has to take the time out to look at all the sectors and what their requirements are, before they even start looking at […]

A Few Benefits of Buying Suppliers

Dates are popular worldwide and it is no surprise to know that many fruit and vegetable suppliers in Malaysia have expanded their business to cater for the needs of customers in other countries. However, it is also no secret that most fruits and vegetables remain a favorite item in most food business. Dates are used […]